This course is divided into easy to follow modules.
1) Watch each video and/or read each transcript (Click SHOW TRANSCRIPT below each video to read course content for each unit.)
2) Answer and SAVE each question.
3) Review all answers on quiz and submit to print your certificate.
CPR Basics (2:26)
Assess the scene for safety. Assess the victim for age and responsiveness.
C-A-B Order
Rescuers should assume cardiac arrest has occurred when encountering adults who have collapsed or are found unconscious. Immediately call or have a bystander call 911 and begin CPR.
Use the C-A-B (Compressions-Airway-Breathing) Order
- Begin 30 Compressions
- Open Airway with head tilt–chin lift and check breathing, AT THE SAME TIME
- Give 2 rescue Breaths
Chest compressions keep oxygen flowing to the brain and are the single most important factor in life saving procedures. Compressions should be swift, hard and consistent. 30 compressions each time at a rate of 100-120 per minute.
To clear the airway, use the Head Tilt/Chin Lift method. Place one hand on the forehead to tilt the victim's head back and AT THE SAME TIME place the other hand under the victim's chin. Lift the chin to open the airway and displace the tongue. Look into the victim's mouth for an obstruction. If you see an obstruction, remove it immediately.
- Administer 2 rescue breaths (1 second each).
If the first breath does not make the chest rise:
- Re-tilt the head and try the breath again
After administering 2 rescue breaths:
- Resume compressions
Continue CPR Cycle until:
- EMS arrives and takes over
- AED becomes available
- Victim is revived
- You are too tired to continue
- A second rescuer takes over
Adult CPR Demonstration (1:31)
Adult CPR
If alone, call 911 and retrieve AED machine.
Hand position:
- Two (2) hands - on the breastbone (sternum)
Compression depth:
- Adult: At least 2 inches, but no more than 2.4 inches
Begin CPR
30 compressions
Check and open airway
Give 2 rescue breaths (optional)
Continue CPR Cycle until:
- EMS arrives and takes over
- AED becomes available
- Victim is revived
- You are too tired to continue
- A second rescuer takes over
Adult CPR Overview (2:38)
Adult CPR
For teenagers and adults.
Immediately have a bystander call 911 and begin CPR. If you are alone with an adult victim first call for help, then begin CPR.
CPR Cycle
- 30 Compressions
- Check and Open Airway
- 2 Breaths (REPEAT)
Perform cycles of 30 compressions (at a rate of 100-120 per minute) and then administer 2 rescue breaths
C-A-B Order
Rescuers should assume cardiac arrest has occurred when encountering adults who have collapsed or are found unconscious. Immediately call or have a bystander call 911 and begin CPR.
Use the C-A-B (Compressions-Airway-Breathing) Order
- Begin 30 Compressions
- Open Airway with head tilt–chin lift and check breathing, AT THE SAME TIME
- Give 2 rescue Breaths
For an unconscious adult immediately begin 30 chest compressions, at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute. Administer to the breastbone (sternum). Compressions should be swift, hard and consistent with a depth of at least 2, but no more than 2.4 inches of the chest. Avoid leaning on the victim’s chest between compressions to allow for full chest recoil.
Compression depth:
- Adult: At least 2 inches, but no more than 2.4 inches
Hand position:
- Two (2) hands - on the breastbone (sternum)
Open the victim’s airway, using the head tilt-chin lift method and AT THE SAME TIME check for breathing (5-10 seconds). Look into the victim’s mouth for an obstruction. If you see an obstruction, remove it immediately.
If the victim is breathing OR begins breathing after providing CPR:
- Place the victim in the recovery position
If the victim is not breathing:
- Administer - Rescue breaths
Administer 2 rescue breaths (1 second each).
If the first breath does not make the chest rise:
- Re-tilt the head and try the breath again
After administering 2 rescue breaths:
- Resume compressions
Continue CPR Cycle until:
- AED becomes available
- Victim shows signs of life
- A second rescuer takes over
- EMS arrives and takes over
- You are too tired to continue
Child CPR Demonstration (1:13)
Child CPR
For children between toddler aged and puberty.
If alone, perform 5 cycles of CPR, then call 911 and retrieve AED machine
Hand position:
- One (1) hand - on the breastbone (sternum)
Compression depth:
- Child: At least 1/3 the depth of the chest. Approximately 2 inches.
Begin CPR
30 compressions
Check and open airway
Give 2 rescue breaths (optional)
Continue CPR Cycle until:
- EMS arrives and takes over
- AED becomes available
- Victim is revived
- You are too tired to continue
- A second rescuer takes over
Child CPR Overview (2:50)
Child CPR
Infants are from birth to toddler aged.
Immediately have a bystander call 911 and begin CPR. If you are alone with a child victim first complete 5 cycles of CPR before calling for help.
CPR Cycle
- 30 Compressions
- Check and Open Airway
- 2 Breaths (REPEAT)
Perform cycles of 30 compressions (at a rate of 100-120 per minute) and then administer 2 rescue breaths
C-A-B Order
Rescuers should assume cardiac arrest has occurred when encountering children who have collapsed or are found unconscious. Immediately call or have a bystander call 911 and begin CPR.
Use the C-A-B (Compressions-Airway-Breathing) Order
- Begin 30 Compressions
- Open Airway with head tilt–chin lift and check breathing, AT THE SAME TIME
- Give 2 rescue Breaths
For an unconscious child immediately begin 30 chest compressions, at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute. Compressions should be swift, hard and consistent. Avoid leaning on the victim’s chest between compressions to allow for full chest recoil.
Compression depth:
- Child: At least 1/3 the depth of the chest. Approximately 2 inches.
Hand position:
- One (1) hand - on the breastbone (sternum)
Open the victim’s airway, using the head tilt-chin lift method and AT THE SAME TIME check for breathing (5-10 seconds). Look into the victim’s mouth for an obstruction. If you see an obstruction, remove it immediately.
If the victim is breathing OR begins breathing after providing CPR:
- Place the victim in the recovery position
If the victim is not breathing:
- Administer - Rescue breaths
Administer 2 rescue breaths (1 second each).
If the first breath does not make the chest rise:
- Re-tilt the head and try the breath again
After administering 2 rescue breaths:
- Resume compressions
Continue CPR Cycle until:
- AED becomes available
- Victim shows signs of life
- A second rescuer takes over
- EMS arrives and takes over
- You are too tired to continue
Infant CPR Demonstration (1:38)
Infant CPR
If alone, perform 5 cycles of CPR, then call 911 and retrieve AED machine.
Hand position:
- Two (1) fingers - on the breastbone (sternum)
Compression depth:
- Infant: At least 1/3 the depth of the chest. Approximately 1.5 inches.
Begin CPR
30 compressions
Check and open airway
Give 2 rescue breaths (optional)
Continue CPR Cycle until:
- EMS arrives and takes over
- AED becomes available
- Victim is revived
- You are too tired to continue
- A second rescuer takes over
Infant CPR Overview (3:02)
Infant CPR
Immediately have a bystander call 911 and begin CPR. If you are alone with an infant victim first complete 5 cycles of CPR before calling for help.
CPR Cycle
- 30 Compressions
- Check and Open Airway
- 2 Breaths (REPEAT)
Perform cycles of 30 compressions (at a rate of 100-120 per minute) and then administer 2 rescue breaths
C-A-B Order
Rescuers should assume cardiac arrest has occurred when encountering children who have collapsed or are found unconscious. Immediately call or have a bystander call 911 and begin CPR.
Use the C-A-B (Compressions-Airway-Breathing) Order
- Begin 30 Compressions
- Open Airway with head tilt–chin lift and check breathing, AT THE SAME TIME
- Give 2 rescue Breaths
For an unconscious infant immediately begin 30 chest compressions, at a rate of 100-120 compressions per minute. Compressions should be swift, hard and consistent.
Compression depth:
- Infant: At least 1/3 the depth of the chest. Approximately 1.5 inches.
Hand position:
- Two (1) fingers - on the breastbone (sternum)
Open the victim’s airway, using the head tilt-chin lift method and AT THE SAME TIME check for breathing (5-10 seconds). Look into the victim’s mouth for an obstruction. If you see an obstruction, remove it immediately.
If the victim is breathing OR begins breathing after providing CPR:
- Place the victim in the recovery position
If the victim is not breathing:
- Administer - Rescue breaths
Administer 2 rescue breaths (1 second each).
If the first breath does not make the chest rise:
- Re-tilt the head and try the breath again
After administering 2 rescue breaths:
- Resume compressions
Continue CPR Cycle until:
- AED becomes available
- Victim shows signs of life
- A second rescuer takes over
- EMS arrives and takes over
- You are too tired to continue
Hands Only CPR (2:18)
Hands Only CPR
- Call or have a bystander call 911.
- Then press hard and fast, about 100-120 times per minute, on the middle of the victim's chest.
- Check the victims condition for breathing every 30 compressions.
- Continue care until EMS arrives, an AED becomes available or you are too tired to continue.
Airway Obstruction (4:24)
Providing care for airway obstruction
*If you KNOW the victim is choking
Adult or Child
Responsive adult or child: Heimlich Maneuver
- Abdominal thrusts just above navel
- Continue until object is removed or victim is unresponsive
- Chest thrusts should be used for larger or pregnant victims
Unresponsive adult or child
- Begin CPR
- Compressions (30)
- Check Airway Head Tilt/Chin Lift
- Remove object if dislodged
- Breaths (2)
- If breath does NOT go in due to blocked airway
- Re-tilt head
- Reattempt breath
- If breath STILL does not go in, move on to compressions
- Continue CPR Cycle
- Remove object if dislodged
- If victim regains consciousness, move onto their side to recovery position
Responsive infant: Infant Back Blows
- Support infant’s head and lay face-down over your forearm
- Support forearm with thigh
- Give five back blows
- Roll infant face up
- Check for breathing/Check airway
- Continue until object is removed or victim becomes unresponsive
Unresponsive infant
- Begin CPR
- Compressions (30)
- Check airway and open using head tilt/chin lift
- Perform 5 back blows
- Remove object if dislodged
- Breaths (2)
- If breath does NOT go in due to blocked airway
- Check airway
- Perform 5 back blows
- Check for dislodged item
- Check airway and re-tilt head
- Reattempt breath
- If breath STILL does not go in, move on to compressions
- Continue infant obstructed airway CPR Cycle:
- 30 Compressions - Check Airway - Perform 5 Back Blows - Check Airway - Give 2 Breaths - Repeat
- Remove object if dislodged
- If victim regains consciousness, encourage vocalization
Tongue and Airway Obstruction
AED Basics (7:00)
AED Basics
***AED’s are designed for use on adult victims, however most can be used with pediatric victims with proper pediatric pads.
**Women, the elderly and people with diabetes are more likely to have atypical signs of a heart attack – ache in the chest, heartburn or indigestion, or an overall uncomfortable feeling in the back, jaw, neck or shoulder.
- Someone is touching the victim.
- The victim is alert.
- The victim is wet or in water.